Liam (Keyboards)
Highly skilled in the science
of harmonious sounds.
Hypo-glocen content 77%
Clytrell balance .008 Centunes
Energy Replacement 2000 Kilojules per second.
Leeroy (Dancer)
Very high in stature, has the appearance
of a hybridization of man and machine.
Hypo-glocen content 79%
Clytrell balance .005 Centunes
Energy Replacement 2000 Kilojules per second.
Maxim Reality (MC)
Rapid orator with excellent orthoepy
and enormous verbosity.
Hypo-glocen content 80%
Clytrell balance .006 Centunes
Energy Replacement 2000 Kilojules per second.
Keith (Dancer)
Master of footwork, creator of manic velocity
body movements and techniques.
Hypo-glocen content 82%
Clytrell balance .007 Centunes
Energy Replacement 2000 Kilojules per second.